Services + Rates

Overwhelmed and stressed with clutter?
Let’s work together to create the environment you’d like to come home to.

Each person and family’s situation is different, so my work with you is customized and as individual as you.  I start with a phone call and a complimentary in-home consultation.  We’ll work hard, but I promise you, it will be worth it!

Decluttering & Organizing Sessions

Half-Day Session: $300

A half-day is a 3-hour session with me working hands-on in your home. The fee includes additional services such as hauling donation items after our time together (one carload per session)…something my clients really love!  No bags of donations sitting in the back hall giving you a knot in your stomach thinking about when you’re going to have time to drop them off.

Package rates: 

4 Sessions: (5% savings) $1140

8 Sessions: (10% savings) $2160

12 Sessions: (15% savings) $3060

Gluten-Free Kitchen Organizing

As a professional organizer and an adult living with celiac disease, I have a specialty in servicing individuals and families with CD and gluten intolerances.  *Gluten is in 80% of our foodstuffs. Organizing a kitchen has specific challenges when dealing with this overwhelming dietary restriction, including setting up a kitchen to avoid cross-contact of gluten-free and gluten-containing foods.  I understand because I live it every day.

3-hour session $300
*More than one session may be needed.

*Source: Marilyn Geller, CEO of the Celiac Disease Foundation

Packing & Unpacking Services

Whether it’s a corporate move, moving across town or boxing up the cabin or cottage for a renovation, packing and unpacking can be a daunting and overwhelming task.  Let’s make the transition smoother by downsizing the things you own and packing them in a systematic way so that unpacking and organizing based on how you use your items makes sense in your new space.  In no time, you’ll be enjoying your home or cottage with the people you love.  I recently had a client say to me, “I will never have movers pack my home again.  Professional organizers pack completely differently.” 

$100 per hour

Any packing supplies purchased are billed at cost with no mark-up

Speaking Engagements & Presentations

Are you part of an organization, church, club, business group or non-profit looking for information on how to create an organized and efficient home and life?  I love to share what I’ve learned over the years!

“Your program was fabulous!  The methods were doable. The slides were just the right amount of information. Great humor. Not at all overwhelming! Thank you so much for sharing.” – Lina

“Thank you so much for attending today’s presentation!  Julie, you offered so many useful tips, directions and mindsets.  Most of all, you left us feeling empowered.” - Amy